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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
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11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Jeremiah Johnson' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
22 matches in composers
  1. Amy Jo Johnson
  2. J.J. Johnson
  3. Jef Lee Johnson
  4. Lee Johnson
  5. Scott Johnson
  6. Mark Johnson
  7. Craig Johnson
  8. Eric D. Johnson
  9. Matt Johnson
  10. Joshua Johnson
  11. Sean Johnson
  12. Nathan Johnson
  13. Jack Johnson
  14. Glen Johnson
  15. Forrest Johnson
  16. Kenneth Johnson
  17. Howard Johnson
  18. Harold Johnson
  19. Freddie Johnson
  20. Laurie Johnson
Show all 22 matching composers
1086 matches in tracks
  1. Jeremiah Johnson” (01:20)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
  2. Jeremiah Johnson/Top Knot (02:26)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
  3. Jeremiah Johnson” (End Title) (01:14)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
    Total Time: 3:36
  4. Overture "Jeremiah Johnson" Main Title (07:40)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
  5. Jeremiah Johnson” (End Title) (01:31)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
    Total Time: 12:52Song Recordings
  6. Overture/Spirits Landings/“Jeremiah Johnson” (Main Title) (07:42)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
  7. Spirits Landing/“Jeremiah Johnson” (Main Title) (05:32)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
    Work Tape
  8. Green and Muddy/“The Way That You Wander”/“Jeremiah Johnson” (End Title) (03:16)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
    Total Time: 36:18Additional Score
  9. Indian Death Chant/”He’s Never Been Known to Be Wrong” (“An Indian Says”)/Jeremiah Johnson (01:58)
    from Jeremiah Johnson
  10. THE NEW AVENGERS - Johnson (02:14)
    from A To Z Of British TV Themes, The Vol.2
  11. ANIMAL MAGIC (LAS VEGAS) - Johnson (02:24)
    from A To Z Of British TV Themes, The Vol.2
  12. NO HIDING PLACE - Johnson (00:00)
    from A To Z Of British TV Themes From The Sixties And Seventies, The
    Laurie Johnson
  13. FREEWHEELERS (PRIVATE EYE) - Johnson (02:54)
    from A To Z Of British TV Themes, The Vol.2
  14. THE AVENGERS -Johnson (00:00)
    from A To Z Of British TV Themes From The Sixties And Seventies, The
    Laurie Johnson
  15. Jeremiah (01:44)
    from Thunderbirds Are Go
  16. Jeremiah (01:44)
    from Thunderbirds Are Go
  17. Jeremiah (00:53)
    from To Catch A Thief
  18. Jeremiah (00:53)
    from Bridges At Toko-Ri, The
  19. Jeremiah (01:44)
    from Thunderbirds Are Go
  20. Jeremiah (01:44)
    from Thunderbirds Are Go
Show all 1086 matching tracks